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Development of an Integrated Cloud Modification Technology

IR@C-MMACS: CSIR-Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, Bangalore

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Title Development of an Integrated Cloud Modification Technology
Creator Goswami, P
Subject Climate Modelling
Description Responding to the societal distress caused by growing water stress in many parts of the country, and taking cognizance of scientific advances in the last couple of decades in a number of critical areas, CSIR has entrusted C-MMACS to develop a comprehensive programme for developing a cutting edge cloud modification technology that will provide the country leadership in this vital area. As a follow up action, C-MMACS has organized two Discussion Meetings involving potential participants, experts and potential users, under the chairmanship of Dr D R Sikka to discuss the draft proposal. The major observations by the Meeting were: (a) Today, cloud modification is a widely practiced technology world-wide, with over 95 projects in 26 countries. The conservative cost benefit ratio is 1:30. However, although India was one of the first countries, through the initiative of CSIR in 1950s, to initiate a cloud modification programme, which was sustained in IITM, Pune between 1967-1985, there has been practically no effort in this area for the last two decades. This is, therefore not an area that can be ignored. (b) There have been several recent advances in areas like cloud forecasting, observational platforms, seeding materials and seeding procedure that make a fresh approach worthwhile. (c) The existing cloud modification technology needs improvements in a number of areas. The proposed project should focus on areas like precipitation enhancement. 3 (d) India also has a diverse expertise base to develop an effective cloud modification technology. (e) The demand for an effective cloud harvesting technology is likely to increase dramatically as two-thirds of the world population (including in India) is projected to be water-stressed by 2025 (e) The world-wide recognition of need for an efficient cloud modification technology combined with the need to improve this technology in many fronts provides an opportunity and a challenge to the Indian scientists and technologists. (g) There is a growing international consensus, as reflected in the Eighth WMO Conference on Weather Modification (WMO Bull.,52,2003),that cloud modification can provide an effective technology for precipitation enhancement.
Publisher CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation
Date 2004-05
Type Monograph
Format application/pdf
Identifier http://cir.cmmacs.ernet.in/226/1/ppcm0401.pdf
Goswami, P (2004) Development of an Integrated Cloud Modification Technology. Other. CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation, C-MMACS,Bangalore 560037,India. (Unpublished)
Relation http://cir.cmmacs.ernet.in/226/