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Role of DNA replication in establishment and propagation of epigenetic states of chromatin.

IR@IMTECH: CSIR-Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh

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Title Role of DNA replication in establishment and propagation of epigenetic states of chromatin.
Creator Singh, Jagmohan
Subject QR Microbiology
Description DNA replication is the fundamental process of duplication of the genetic information that is vital for survival of all living cells. The basic mechanistic steps of replication initiation, elongation and termination are conserved among bacteria, lower eukaryotes, like yeast and metazoans. However, the details of the mechanisms are different. Furthermore, there is a close coordination between chromatin assembly pathways and various components of replication machinery whereby DNA replication is coupled to "chromatin replication" during cell cycle. Thereby, various epigenetic modifications associated with different states of gene expression in differentiated cells and the related chromatin structures are faithfully propagated during the cell division through tight coupling with the DNA replication machinery. Several examples are found in lower eukaryotes like budding yeast and fission yeast with close parallels in metazoans.
Publisher Elsevier Publisher
Date 2014-06
Type Article
Relation http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S108495211400086X
Identifier Singh, Jagmohan (2014) Role of DNA replication in establishment and propagation of epigenetic states of chromatin. Seminars in cell & developmental biology, 30. pp. 131-43. ISSN 1096-3634