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A study on structure and properties of a hot forged HSLA-80 steel

IR@NML: CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory, Jamshedpur

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Title A study on structure and properties of a hot forged HSLA-80 steel
Creator Das, Samar
Ghosh, Arindam
Kundu, Sukumar
Chatterjee, S
Subject Materials Science
Description In the present investigation a HSLA-80 grade steel was hot forged at various temperature ranges with varying amount of deformations and subsequently cooled in different cooling media like water, air and sand. Microstructure, mechanical properties and recrystallization behaviour of the steel were evaluated. In water quenched condition a critical amount of deformation is required to obtain the peak hardness and the amount of this critical deformation varies with forging temperature. At higher forging temperature beyond this critical deformation, recrystallization takes place, which reduces the hardness of the steel. On slow cooling from same finish forging temperature the hardness value increases due to precipitation effect. Higher strength and toughness in air-cooled steel is obtained due to the granular bainitic microstructure.
Publisher Indian Inst Metals, Metal House, Plot 13/4, Block Aq, Sector V, Salt Lake, Calcutta 700 091, India
Date 2004-02
Type Article
Relation http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=1&SID=Z1JeiAIJ4d3aGeNeC2P&page=1&doc=21
Identifier Das, Samar and Ghosh, Arindam and Kundu, Sukumar and Chatterjee, S (2004) A study on structure and properties of a hot forged HSLA-80 steel. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 57 (1). pp. 25-33.